Urethral Sponge/G-Spot

The urethral sponge, or G-spot, is a spongy cylinder of erectile tissue that surrounds a portion of the female urethra and is located between the pubic bone and vaginal wall. Because it is a homologous anatomical structure to the prostate, it is also sometimes referred to as the female prostate.
This area is commonly associated with the deep vaginal erogenous zone often considered the G-spot, an area that when stimulated can be pleasurable and possibly lead to orgasm for many people. As such, this area as well as the structure itself is colloquially referred to as the G-spot.
Anatomy of the Urethral Sponge
The urethral sponge consists of a cylindrical tube of erectile tissue wrapped around a portion of the urethra behind the pubic bone. Typically, it can be located 2-3 inches deep inside the vagina by palpating the anterior vaginal wall. Despite it being possible to feel on yourself or a partner, there is still some debate as to whether or not the G-spot exists.
One of the reasons for this may be that it can be difficult to detect at rest. Only during arousal does the erectile tissue become engorged with blood. As it swells, the tissue changes texture and becomes more rigid. Many people note a bumpiness to the texture of the area that differs from the surrounding vaginal walls, as well as the contour of the rigid tube-like structure, making it easier to discern. Because it can be pleasurable for many to have this area stimulated when aroused, it is considered one of Deep Vaginal Erogenous Zones.
Like the prostate, this tubular structure can apply pressure and compression to the urethra when aroused, thereby preventing urination during sexual activity, and is regularly associated with more intense pleasure, stronger orgasms, and ejaculation during orgasm when stimulated during sexual activity.
The G-Spot as an Erogenous Zone
The urethral sponge is packed with bundles of nerve endings. In a state of arousal, the engorged erectile tissue makes these nerve endings more prominent and likely to be stimulated during any penetrative sexual activity, be it with fingers, a sex toy, or a penis.
The G-spot can be a source of great or enhanced pleasure when stimulation Although like any body part and form of stimulation, the level of potential enjoyment varies from one individual to another. For some, G-spot stimulation can yield more intense pleasure during sex, stronger or more intense orgasms, and sometimes even vaginal ejaculation. Because the urethral sponge also envelopes the clitoral nerve and the inner structure of the clitoris sits around the tubular sponge, G-spot stimulation can be enhanced by combining clitoral stimulation. In that same way, clitoral stimulation can be enhanced by the addition of G-spot stimulation.
The methods and means to reach any pleasurable sensation or to achieve orgasm in this way are subjective to the individual, though some common approaches exist. Massaging finger stimulation to the anterior wall of the vagina, sex toys curved or shaped for G-spot stimulation, and occasionally the unique shape or angle of thrust a partner’s penis can help or change the effectiveness of reaching the desired level of simulation.
Conversely, some people can become overwhelmed or irritated by the sensation of G-spot stimulation. This may be due to lack of lubrication, insufficient arousal prior to stimulation, or the subjective preferences of the individual and their body.
History of the G-Spot
The area where the urethral sponge is found is often called the G-spot, named after Dr. Ernst Gräfenberg, a German gynecologist who was the first to document this anatomical area in the 1950s.
While Gräfenberg’s identification of this common anatomical structure brought attention and provided a greater insight to a part of the body that remained under-researched and acknowledged in modern medicine, his observations of it being a “dime-sized spot” are inaccurate. It is not a mere “spot”, but a tubular structure of spongy erectile tissue that surrounds a portion of the urethra, and can be stimulated through the anterior wall of the vagina.
Is the G-Spot real?
Despite nearly a century of study on the area including ultrasound detection, as well as ample anecdotal evidence reported by people who have a urethral sponge, note the difference in their own bodies during arousal, experience pleasure from stimulating that particular area, note more powerful orgasms when doing so, and/or experience vaginal ejaculation from such stimulation, the medical and scientific debate as to whether or not the structure exists – and where it is located if it does – continues.
The biggest study to date (with a sample size of 1800 women) conducted with the intention of proving the existence of the G-spot claims it found no evidence in favor of the G-spot’s existence and asserted that it is entirely fictitious. However, the study’s research methods have been critiqued by sexology experts, referring especially to neglecting the experiences of queer women, different sexual techniques, the impact different partners can have on one’s sexual experience, and any other facotrs that can affect levels of arousal.
The G-Spot and Female Ejaculation
While it has yet to be proven in medical research, there does seem to be a prevalent correlation between stimulating the G-spot area and some people’s experiences with vaginal ejaculation, also known sometimes as the more gendered “female ejaculation” or, more informally, “squirting”.
The paraurethral glands, also known as the lesser vestibular glands or Skene’s glands (named after the man who first wrote about them), are a network of tubules located within the erectile tissue of the urethral sponge with two main ducts which lead to either side of the urethral opening and out of the body. These glands produce and secrete a milky, ultra-filtered form of blood plasma, which may serve as a lubricant and/or an antimicrobial substance. It is also hypothesized as one of the sources of liquid produced in the event of vaginal ejaculation, either prior to or during orgasm.
The scientific debate over what vaginal ejaculatory fluid consists of persists. However, regardless of the theory considered, vaginal ejaculation differs from accidental urination during sex, when one loses control of one’s bladder during or as a result of sexual activity.