4 Ways to Improve Your Luck In Love This St. Patrick's Day

St. Paddy’s Day is upon us, and that can only mean you’re due for a pot of gold, a four-leafed clover, or a short and cute redhead clad in green whose one mission in life is to grant you supernatural wealth—or, y’know, help you find true love, if that’s the kind of wealth you’re after.
When it comes to the luck o’ the Irish in matters of the heart, there’s certainly no lack of superstitious traditions floating around out there in the ether, wedding superstitions in particular. For instance, oddly enough, green was traditionally considered a bad luck color in Ireland, so if attending a wedding, refrain from wearing green or you’ll bring bad luck to the bride and groom! And according to Irish old wives tales, a new moon is associated with fertility because, "as the new moon swelled, so would tiny plants within seeds.” Suffice it to say, if you’re getting hitched, or trying to conceive, you’ve now got something concrete to work with! For the rest of us—those of us looking to improve our luck in love—it may be necessary to learn the art of romantic manifestation.
This Paddy's Day, consider the following 4 modern-day manifestation techniques for luckiness in love!
1. Reach out and claim your personal magic.
Sometimes, the simple act of taking a moment to inhale a dope beat and set an intention—wearing your inner flame on your sleeve—is its own powerful magic. TikTok manifestation goddess, priestessprincess, offers some potent energetic interventions for turning the tide of love. “Let me send you energy to make them think of you right NOW,” reads one of her video captions. “You look lonely. I can fix that,” she speaks aloud, eyes ablaze. But you can use whatever words and/or music happen to stoke your fire. Then she closes her eyes, reaches out her hand. It undulates, and she works her magic on a mystery love interest—inspiring her followers to do the same.
Our faithful priestess of love-obsession has many other mini music vids to choose from, some to spice things up, some to get that special someone addicted to the thought of you, and—you get the idea. Claim that energy, make it your own, and you might just be surprised what inner magic you find swirling at your own heart centre.
2. Prioritize your sexual healing via witchcraft.
If you have some sexual healing to do (for any reason), prioritizing that ish will open you up to bigger, better, more boundless blessings of love. No doubt about it. Author, BDSM enthusiast, and self-proclaimed witch Gaby Herstik's latest book is titled Sacred Sex: The Magick and Path of the Divine Erotic. She’s written a number of works now on being a “sacred slut,” how to be a “modern witch,” and how to instigate your own sexual healing. Witchcraft, she once told Bellesa, is valuable for sexual healing, because it reconnects you with your love for your body, and harnesses energy to manifest or banish as needed. One way Gaby does this is via sex magic, which involves self-honoring via masturbation. Why? Because the energy released during climax is powerful for boosting one's intentions.
“Focus on something you want to attract or heal by using that moment of energy release. Even if it’s ‘I want to love my body more’ or ‘heal more’ or ‘attract a partner that makes me feel good’, it’s very potent,” she shared. When you masturbate, consider using something special, like this heart-opening Glas Sweetheart Dildo to enhance your healing and further open you to love. Consider strengthening your self-love ritual even more by lighting candles, wearing lingerie, staging your own sensual photoshoot, or meditating on the concept of erotic hygiene.
3. Reflect on the magical power of self-sabotage.
“Being your own self-sabotaging puppet master doesn’t make you unlucky. It makes you an emotional S&M enthusiast,” quips relationship coach Natasha Adamo. Just as positive thoughts, words, and beliefs can wield uncanny power in our love and sex lives, so too can negative self-talk and negative belief systems in their many forms. In other words, if you believe that your upcoming date will be a disaster, chances are high that it will be a negative experience. If you believe that casual sex and/or promiscuity are somehow dirty or shameful, you block your own self-love and sexual empowerment from springing forth and gifting you with their juicy bounty (you may also be blocking certain partners from finding you). These beliefs and thought patterns are rarely conscious, but they nonetheless make a huge difference in the outcomes we experience—in love, as in life.
In addition to training yourself to become more aware of the tenor of your thoughts, as well as where certain beliefs you cling to originally came from—a powerful process of letting go and unlearning, if you let it be—developing a deeper understanding of what it is you want (and don’t want) in a partner can also be hella helpful. After all, when it comes to getting what you want in any area of life, clarity is Queen. Big love stories rarely dwell where confusion reigns supreme. You heard it here first. To recap: strip yourself of destructive self-discouragement and baseless beliefs. Then, stare into a clear pool (or a rushing river on the Emerald Isle), and see the love you want, without obstruction, as it makes its way directly toward you.
4. Externalize the Feng Shui force within.
Okay, it’s not Irish, but it may very well turn your luck. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese traditional practice which can be broken down into the words "feng," wind, and "shui," water. The concept comes from an ancient poem describing humanity as connected to and flowing with the environment around it. In the modern world, one might look to Feng Shui principles to create harmony within one’s home environment, or render said environment a magnet for love.
Brass tacks: according to some Feng Shui experts, fresh bed sheets, particularly in shades of pink or nude represent love. Really, who can go wrong with clean sheets? Meanwhile, adding red accents to your room is said to attract passion and love. Experts also counsel those looking for love to make a habit of pairing objects as a way of strengthening togetherness (i.e., two chairs, two pillows, two brass elephants on the mantle). Also, make sure your home always smells nice—whether it’s incense, fresh flowers, or an essential oil diffuser, as positive scents are inherently inviting. And, since fire sparks new relationships and keeps love alive, you'd do well to burn a candle somewhat consistently. Finally, avoiding excess clutter, so you have enough open space for new love.
Ultimately, if you do any or all of the above from your heart of hearts, you’re sure to amass a few shiny, lucky charms this St. Paddy’s Day, and well beyond. Remember: love.