8 ways to manifest the best year yet

As we jump into a new year and make lists of resolutions, it’s important to consider HOW to meet your goals! Be it love and sex, career advancements, relationships and positivity, or reaching personal milestones, you can manifest success through positivity, intention, and mindful action. Here are 8 tools you can use to manifest the best 2024.
1. Set super clear intentions
The first step in meeting your goals is being ultra clear on what they are. Define exactly what it is you’re hoping to achieve this year, and be specific. If you’re looking for a romantic relationship, consider what things you’re looking for within that relationship; if your goals are career driven, define exactly what you want from a job. Knowing what you want is key to putting you in the head space to attract what you’re looking for.
Tip: consider hosting a manifestation brunch for you and your circle where you can all set your intentions for the year!
2. Prioritize self-care
Loving and caring for yourself is crucial for manifesting success. Consider incorporating some new lifestyle habits or routines that focus on health, relaxation, and joy. Try incorporating journaling, meditation, or masturbation into your routine. For real though, treating yourself to a new vibe is an excellent form of self care!
3. Practice gratitude
The best way to cultivate a positive mindset (which is essential to manifesting positive things) is being grateful and appreciative for all the positivity that is already present in your life. You can incorporate this into your life through a gratitude journal, saying grace/praying (doesn’t have to be religious), express gratitude by doing a kindness or sharing your feelings for the people in your life who you are grateful for.
Remember: what you think about, you bring about. So keep thinking positive and grateful thoughts!
4. Inspired and intentional actions
For all the mental components of manifestation, it also requires you to take action. Break down your clearly set intentions into actionable steps that you can achieve and will move you towards achieving the larger goals. Make yourself a checklist so you can see the full picture and check things off as you accomplish them.
5. Let go of past baggage
As Queen Elsa famously said, “let it go, let it go!”. Only way to move forward is to leave behind the things (and people, if we’re being honest) that no longer serve you. Forgiving and releasing past attachments and trauma opens you up to attract all the amazing things you’re manifesting for yourself.
This may be easier said than done and may require support through therapy.
6. Celebrate achievements
Don’t ever sell yourself short, celebrate every milestone no matter how big or how small! Whether your celebration is simply crossing something off your list (is it just me or is that actually soooo satisfying?), or going out for a celebratory dinner with friends, acknowledging and celebrating your successes are key to keeping up that positive mindset.
7. Visualization is key
Of course you should mentally visualize yourself where you want to be, but you can also use physical visual aids to help with that process. Make a vision board, keep a journal, even setting your phone background to something that motivates or inspires you! Keep these somewhere easily accessible/visible so you can be easily reminded of your manifestations.
8. Join social clubs or activities
Engaging with like minded people or activities that align with your intentions. Finding people, places, and activities that bring out your best and most authentic self are key in getting you where you want to be. Motivation and inspiration a powerful tools in the manifestation game so look for social opportunities that bring out those feelings in you.
Manifestation is a powerful thing, but it’s way more than just wishful thinking. So be clear, be intentional, be positive, and make moves! You have the power to get everything you want in 2024 and make it the best year yet. We believe in you bb <3