Nipple Play 101: a beginner's guide on how to have a nipple orgasm
By Lea Rose Emery

When it comes to the most potentially sensitive areas on the body, nipples are high on your list. In fact, for some, nipples are an integral part of their sexual encounters. And if you’re a fan of nipple play — or curious — then there’s a good chance you’ve wondered about nipple orgasms.
Are nipple orgasms real? It’s a common question, followed quickly by: How the hell do I have one?
Having more ways to orgasm is always better, truth be told. Whether you have trouble orgasming from penetration (most of us do, after all) or you’re looking for new ways to get yourself or your partner off, it's time to get more comfortable with your nips. Because yes, nipple orgasms are real — at least, for some people.
There's no guarantee you can have a nipple orgasm because everyone’s body is different. Some people can have exercise-induced "coregasms." Some people can orgasm from penetrative sex or even anal sex. Some can even cum using just their brain and “thinking themselves off”. A lot of us have to rub our clits like it’s a scratch ticket to get anything happening down there — there’s no shame in that at all.
But if you’re interested in pursuing the nipple orgasm, here’s what you need to know.
Nipple orgasms are more achievable than you think
How common are nipple orgasms? One Men’s Health study found that 29 percent of women surveyed had experienced a nipple orgasm. Granted, this was a small study, but it seems to hold true. If you dig a little deeper, you’ll find that while most women haven’t experienced one, it’s far from unusual.
You might surprise yourself if you spend a little time seeking out the elusive nipple orgasm.
It’s all about your wiring
You may wonder how it's possible to orgasm without genitals involved at all. But bodies are complicated. Not all erogenous zones actually have anything to do with our genitals. One study in the Journal of Sexual found that nipple stimulation lights up the genital sensory cortex area of the brain in most women.
That’s right: to your brain, your nipples are the same as your vagina or your clitoris. In fact, you might find some other areas of your body that have the same effect, which is why it’s always worth exploring.
Get experimental and don't rush the build-up
If you look for nipple orgasm techniques, you’ll find a lot out there — but there’s also a lot of conflicting advice. Some suggest going more gently than normal and teasing the area to have a really gradual, intense build-up. Others claim you need more direct stimulation if you're going to achieve orgasm. Some say tongue is best, some say digital stimulation, and some people reach for toys.
The bottom line? Experiment with your own body to see which technique works best. The good news is that it’s a really freaking fun thing to explore. Try different types and levels of stimulation to see what works for you, either on your own or with a partner.
Add it to your regular sexy times rotation
If you don’t have a nipple orgasm, this exploration can still be a huge benefit to your sex life. There's a lot to gain from taking the time to learn about what kinds of nipple stimulation feel good for you. Although it may not always be obvious to some of our partners, there’s a world of nipple play beyond “tweak” and “honk”. It's up to us to explore and be able to communicate what we like best.
Many women who experienced nipple orgasms also say that they like more time spent on their nipples before penetrative sex or clitoral stimulation — or mixing them all together. So if your nipples aren’t sensitive enough for orgasm, don't feel like they’re out of the game.
And don't try to force it
If you want it to reach a nipple orgasm, the best way might be to not try so hard. One woman who experiences nipple orgasms told Cosmo: it’s better to relax about the whole thing and take things as they come. "I found I couldn't stimulate myself to orgasm on my own; it only happens with a partner,” she explains. “Just take the time to experiment and be open-minded about different types of stimulation and different sensations. Don't focus on whether or not an orgasm is building; just enjoy the sensations for what they are."
A lot of women said that they were just fooling around and taken by surprise when they reached climax. Lowering your expectations and embracing a relaxed, experimental mood might be key.
Nipple play might not be your thing — and that's totally okay too. But if you are a fan of nipple stimulation, you might want to slow things down and take your time. Exploring the breast as a whole, including the area around the nipple, along with different intensities and forms of stimulation, might help you discover a whole new world.
Bottom Line
If you have an orgasm, great — and if you don’t, it’s still great. It’s about the nipple journey, not the nipple destination.
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