Best halloween costume based on your favorite sex toy

Halloween is coming and we hope you will be too. To help get you in the seasonal mood, we’ve curated a selection of classic to current costume ideas, inspired by our favourite sex toys. Whether you’re going out or opting for a steamy night in, let the good and spooky vibes roll.
Finger Pro / Sheet Ghost
Because it doesn’t need to be glamorous and complicated to be effective af. This one is especially great for the ghoul on the go. Whip it out at home or out with the right company whenever you’re ready to get some screams.
Aurora / Witch
An absolutely quintessential vibe. Sure to have you floating above the sheets and cackling with pleasure all night long. Because there’s a little witch in all of us.
Luvli Ditto 2 / Batman and Catwoman
It’s a bit of a wicked pairing but that just makes it all the more delicious. Not only does Batman know his way around a remote control, but this superhero knows how to prioritize and provide pleasure to their partner throughout sex. That. Is. Canon.
Pebble / Vampire
No one sucks like this little sucker. Once it clamps its mouth down, it won’t be long before you get a taste of immortality. Don’t forget to put it back in its little coffin to recharge all day long so it’s ready to go for another night full of blood-warming fun.
Quip / Sexy Skeleton
One skeleton that should be in everyone’s closet. A sleek and classic look that gets straight to the point. Quip is the skeleton key to pinpointed pleasure, sure to tickle a lot more than your funny bone.
AirVibe / Spider-Man
This master of dual identity is the most popular choice of the year, and for good reason. Get caught up in a web of pleasure and don’t be afraid to get a little sticky.